PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 22 Sep 08.
Time since start of Epoch: 5938.78 days; 0.03 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 58 visitor(s)
    which is 2.76 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
1acbs220 .neoplus .adsl .tpnet .pl»37 (23.13%)Filter
2pppoe-88-147-186-117 .san .ru»20 (12.50%)Filter
3c-98-243-43-84 .hsd1 .mi .comcast .net»13 (8.13%)Filter
489 .246 .211 .90»9 (5.63%)Filter
5ehi174 .neoplus .adsl .tpnet .pl»7 (4.38%)Filter
610 .44 .6 .250»4 (2.50%)Filter
7151 .13 .18 .30»4 (2.50%)Filter
8acbt12 .neoplus .adsl .tpnet .pl»3 (1.88%)Filter
978-106-235-155 .broadband .corbina .ru»3 (1.88%)Filter
10p5B0823C3 .dip0 .t-ipconnect .de»2 (1.25%)Filter
11host33-101-static .88-82-b .business .telecomitalia .it»2 (1.25%)Filter
12ip-141-87 .sn1 .eutelia .it»2 (1.25%)Filter
13bl7-241-176 .dsl .telepac .pt»2 (1.25%)Filter
14125 .166 .23 .127»2 (1.25%)Filter
1589 .96 .78 .200»2 (1.25%)Filter
16i59F6A275 .versanet .de»2 (1.25%)Filter
17crawl-66-249-71-183 .googlebot .com»2 (1.25%)Filter
18host130-114-dynamic .15-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»2 (1.25%)Filter
19host6-234-static .52-82-b .business .telecomitalia .it»2 (1.25%)Filter
2077 .233 .255 .115»2 (1.25%)Filter
21adsl-84-227-21-58 .adslplus .ch»1 (0.63%)Filter
2291 .205 .124 .12»1 (0.63%)Filter
2338 .104 .58 .118»1 (0.63%)Filter
24195-240-186-6 .ip .telfort .nl»1 (0.63%)Filter
25crawl-66-249-71-184 .googlebot .com»1 (0.63%)Filter
26host-78-12-37-133 .cust-adsl .tiscali .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
2785-18-14-16 .fastres .net»1 (0.63%)Filter
28adsl-ull-206-156 .47-151 .net24 .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
29a80-101-150-253 .adsl .xs4all .nl»1 (0.63%)Filter
30h033188 .gprs .dnafinland .fi»1 (0.63%)Filter
31gw .vodafone .cz»1 (0.63%)Filter
3266 .231 .189 .164»1 (0.63%)Filter
33d64-180-9-178 .bchsia .telus .net»1 (0.63%)Filter
34192 .168 .0 .156, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (0.63%)Filter
35mail .cpclugano .ch»1 (0.63%)Filter
36217 .169 .121 .12»1 (0.63%)Filter
3785-18-14-15 .fastres .net»1 (0.63%)Filter
3874 .6 .16 .238»1 (0.63%)Filter
39net-93-144-23-151 .t2 .dsl .vodafone .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
40ehm252 .neoplus .adsl .tpnet .pl»1 (0.63%)Filter
41ns3 .crocus-city .ru»1 (0.63%)Filter
42msnbot-65-55-105-97 .search .msn .com»1 (0.63%)Filter
43151 .57 .93 .87»1 (0.63%)Filter
4485-127-21-60 .dynamic .xdsl-line .inode .at»1 (0.63%)Filter
45host220-175-static .50-88-b .business .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
4689-118-8-94-static .albacom .net»1 (0.63%)Filter
47h65-203-73-108 .seed .net .tw»1 (0.63%)Filter
48ppp-240-182 .20-151 .libero .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
49msnbot-65-55-105-89 .search .msn .com»1 (0.63%)Filter
50209 .85-87-199 .dynamic .clientes .euskaltel .es»1 (0.63%)Filter
5174 .6 .20 .226»1 (0.63%)Filter
52adsl190-027000225 .dyn .etb .net .co»1 (0.63%)Filter
53host193-47-static .38-85-b .business .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
5489-118-156-62-static .albacom .net»1 (0.63%)Filter
55208 .96 .54 .70 .servepath .com»1 (0.63%)Filter
5679-115-4-153 .rdsnet .ro»1 (0.63%)Filter
57host43-113-dynamic .24-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.63%)Filter
5874 .6 .17 .32»1 (0.63%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.030885934829712 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.