Unique Visitors
Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 03 Nov 09.
Time since start of Epoch: 5527.28 days; 0.03 hits per day.
Total number of different visitors: 47 visitor(s)
which is 3.57 pages per visitor on average.
1 | 78 .96 .188 .214» | 96 (57.14%) | Filter |
2 | sca-ea-fw-1 .Sun .COM» | 9 (5.36%) | Filter |
3 | c-24-7-116-117 .hsd1 .ca .comcast .net» | 8 (4.76%) | Filter |
4 | crawl-66-249-65-100 .googlebot .com» | 7 (4.17%) | Filter |
5 | 77-255-121-139 .adsl .inetia .pl» | 3 (1.79%) | Filter |
6 | tlapnet .cust .sloane .cz» | 3 (1.79%) | Filter |
7 | mobile-3G-dyn-BU-78-80 .zappmobile .ro» | 2 (1.19%) | Filter |
8 | 115 .192 .220 .171» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
9 | ppp-62-216-202-232 .dynamic .mnet-online .de» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
10 | fw-proxy .siemens .it» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
11 | 151 .68 .177 .19» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
12 | msnbot-65-55-106-108 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
13 | 84 .76 .84 .211» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
14 | 89 .41 .157 .171» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
15 | sol .rzs-hm .si» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
16 | ip155-155-210-87 .adsl2 .static .versatel .nl» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
17 | gw-atoll .atoll .cz» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
18 | net-188-216-63-227 .cust .dsl .vodafone .it» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
19 | host197-114-dynamic .40-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
20 | host-84-221-111-87 .cust-adsl .tiscali .it» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
21 | p54981DAF .dip0 .t-ipconnect .de» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
22 | 81 .12 .134 .7» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
23 | llf531177 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
24 | msnbot-65-55-207-30 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
25 | xdsl-78-35-135-35 .netcologne .de» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
26 | msnbot-65-55-207-118 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
27 | 74-93-190-107-Oregon .hfc .comcastbusiness .net» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
28 | mail .alluflon .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
29 | 10 .77 .37 .145» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
30 | dhcp-client-127 .spotify .net» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
31 | msnbot-65-55-106-109 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
32 | 79-112-105-246 .iasi .fiberlink .ro» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
33 | msnbot-65-55-106-186 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
34 | bb17ca82 .virtua .com .br» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
35 | 205 .143 .217 .82» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
36 | msnbot-65-55-106-208 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
37 | msnbot-65-55-106-232 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
38 | 217-14-6-210-dhcp-osl .bbse .no» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
39 | msnbot-65-55-207-51 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
40 | thor .Realitatea .net» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
41 | 89 .137 .16 .209» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
42 | 71 .224 .broadband11 .iol .cz» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
43 | lns-bzn-44-82-249-222-56 .adsl .proxad .net» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
44 | host227-49-dynamic .60-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
45 | ppp-71-17 .20-151 .libero .it» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
46 | msnbot-65-55-207-126 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
47 | host86-128-246-169 .range86-128 .btcentralplus .com» | 1 (0.60%) | Filter |
PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.012792110443115 second(s) to complete.