Unique Visitors
Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 07 Mar 11.
Time since start of Epoch: 5037.70 days; 0.01 hits per day.
Total number of different visitors: 53 visitor(s)
which is 1.38 pages per visitor on average.
1 | sticker00 .yandex .ru» | 4 (5.48%) | Filter |
2 | net-2-36-16-166 .cust .dsl .vodafone .it» | 3 (4.11%) | Filter |
3 | S0106001bfcf628c3 .vc .shawcable .net» | 3 (4.11%) | Filter |
4 | 208 .94 .94 .38» | 3 (4.11%) | Filter |
5 | 89 .249 .240 .90 .mosline .ru» | 3 (4.11%) | Filter |
6 | b3090910 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 3 (4.11%) | Filter |
7 | host254-55-dynamic .249-95-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
8 | e179022074 .adsl .alicedsl .de» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
9 | 201 .86 .43 .16 .dynamic .adsl .gvt .net .br» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
10 | 81-178-136-142 .dsl .pipex .com» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
11 | static-78-141-74-221 .orange .sk» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
12 | 213 .186 .122 .2 .utel .net .ua» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
13 | 105 .55 .219 .87 .dynamic .jazztel .es» | 2 (2.74%) | Filter |
14 | c-76-101-17-105 .hsd1 .fl .comcast .net» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
15 | msnbot-207-46-199-44 .search .msn .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
16 | 79-71-68-122 .dynamic .dsl .as9105 .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
17 | 84 .Red-83-32-122 .dynamicIP .rima-tde .net» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
18 | bband-dyn233 .95-103-5 .t-com .sk» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
19 | crawl-66-249-72-149 .googlebot .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
20 | c58-111-144-244 .thorn2 .nsw .optusnet .com .au» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
21 | 212 .70 .183 .2» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
22 | msnbot-207-46-13-132 .search .msn .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
23 | baiduspider-220-181-108-87 .crawl .baidu .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
24 | host126-51-dynamic .60-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
25 | 10 .31 .5 .157» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
26 | nat4-98 .ghnet .pl» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
27 | 82 .79 .202 .6» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
28 | 89 .143 .223 .18» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
29 | msnbot-207-46-194-50 .search .msn .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
30 | sdcwebdproxy4 .europe .hp .net» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
31 | host146-112-dynamic .233-95-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
32 | 92 .99 .100 .142» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
33 | ip51cf7697 .direct-adsl .nl» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
34 | 184-77-252-104 .war .clearwire-wmx .net» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
35 | 89 .24 .177 .68» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
36 | 92 .83 .182 .124» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
37 | msnbot-157-55-116-38 .search .msn .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
38 | msnbot-207-46-194-80 .search .msn .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
39 | 208-115-111-71-reverse .wowrack .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
40 | host89-148-dynamic .0-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
41 | 188 .72 .230 .156» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
42 | ool-4573f17b .dyn .optonline .net» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
43 | 93-33-99-140 .ip44 .fastwebnet .it» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
44 | crawl-66-249-66-164 .googlebot .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
45 | gatso68 .gatso .nl» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
46 | msnbot-207-46-194-87 .search .msn .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
47 | crawl-66-249-66-78 .googlebot .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
48 | alc112 .alcatel .be» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
49 | 193 .191 .180 .231» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
50 | as3-8 .swic .dialup .inetia .pl» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
51 | crawl-66-249-66-77 .googlebot .com» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
52 | 88-149-225-145 .dynamic .ngi .it» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
53 | 2 .32 .59 .215» | 1 (1.37%) | Filter |
PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
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