PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 06 Apr 13.
Time since start of Epoch: 4282.80 days; 0.02 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 48 visitor(s)
    which is 1.94 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
1crawl-66-249-76-197 .googlebot .com»10 (10.75%)Filter
280 .94 .249 .118»5 (5.38%)Filter
3bzq-62-219-8-238 .static .dcenter .bezeqint .net»5 (5.38%)Filter
462 .221 .85 .173»5 (5.38%)Filter
562 .221 .108 .138»4 (4.30%)Filter
677 .235 .103 .232»4 (4.30%)Filter
7google-proxy-66-249-81-86 .google .com»4 (4.30%)Filter
895 .153 .77 .46»4 (4.30%)Filter
931 .31 .12 .107»4 (4.30%)Filter
10host212-71-dynamic .48-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»3 (3.23%)Filter
11220 .181 .132 .197»3 (3.23%)Filter
1277 .235 .125 .204»3 (3.23%)Filter
13msnbot-157-56-93-39 .search .msn .com»2 (2.15%)Filter
14msnbot-157-56-93-206 .search .msn .com»2 (2.15%)Filter
15robot2 .acoon .de»2 (2.15%)Filter
165ED2B228 .cm-7-3c .dynamic .ziggo .nl»1 (1.08%)Filter
17msnbot-157-56-93-215 .search .msn .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
18173 .199 .115 .67 .ahrefs .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
19skace01 .vps .websupport .sk»1 (1.08%)Filter
20173 .192 .235 .226-static .reverse .softlayer .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
2132 .dofollow9 .servinio .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
22broadband-188-32-118-207 .nationalcablenetworks .ru»1 (1.08%)Filter
23208-115-111-70-reverse .wowrack .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
2495 .153 .82 .253»1 (1.08%)Filter
25218 .30 .116 .94»1 (1.08%)Filter
26220 .181 .132 .200»1 (1.08%)Filter
27147 .255 .162 .60 .rdns .ubiquity .io»1 (1.08%)Filter
28119 .254 .84 .87»1 (1.08%)Filter
29crawl321 .exabot .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
3069 .147 .240 .120 .rdns .ubiquityservers .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
31host6-153-static .112-81-b .business .telecomitalia .it»1 (1.08%)Filter
32gbm .bo .astro .it»1 (1.08%)Filter
33host98-14-static .112-2-b .business .telecomitalia .it»1 (1.08%)Filter
3436 .248 .169 .8»1 (1.08%)Filter
35218 .30 .103 .150»1 (1.08%)Filter
36google-proxy-66-249-84-12 .google .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
3761 .135 .190 .101»1 (1.08%)Filter
38211 .100 .47 .138»1 (1.08%)Filter
39192-69-218-109 .static .webnx .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
40kms6 .nwt .cz»1 (1.08%)Filter
41194 .12 .47 .141»1 (1.08%)Filter
4260 .195 .251 .213»1 (1.08%)Filter
43137 .117 .130 .61»1 (1.08%)Filter
44ks380405 .kimsufi .com»1 (1.08%)Filter
45203 .146 .235 .201»1 (1.08%)Filter
46ip-212-081-019-069 .static .nextra .sk»1 (1.08%)Filter
47112 .111 .160 .184»1 (1.08%)Filter
4877 .235 .103 .232, 77 .235 .103 .232, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (1.08%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.1412341594696 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.