PHPCounter VII

Countries List

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 28 Jul 15.
Time since start of Epoch: 3440.70 days; 0.23 hits per day.

Total number of country TLDs: 17, to give a total of 27 hits with a recognised country-specific TLD.

TLD (Country) Number of Hits
Unknown ()733
com ()28
net ()11
ru (Russian Federation)5
vn (Vietnam)3
jp (Japan)3
it (Italy)3
de (Germany)2
br (Brazil)2
kr (Korea, Republic of)2
bg (Bulgaria)1
sg (Singapore)1
id (Indonesia)1
ch (Switzerland)1
mx (Mexico)1
gr (Greece)1
za (South Africa)1
The TLDs that are not counted as countries (because they do not point to a particular country) are: .com, .net, .org, .info, and others. Please see the IANA links below for more information.
The TLDs .mil, .edu, and .gov are counted as USA domains.
The TLD->Country database is derived from the list found at the IANA ccTLD List. The generic TLD database is derived from the IANA gTLD List.

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Countries List - 21Dec03 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.030815124511719 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.