PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 23 Feb 16.
Time since start of Epoch: 3229.47 days; 0.28 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 73 visitor(s)
    which is 12.45 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
131 .184 .238 .174»734 (80.75%)Filter
2203 .133 .168 .225»23 (2.53%)Filter
333 .megasphera .cz»14 (1.54%)Filter
4host198-55-static .1-79-b .business .telecomitalia .it»9 (0.99%)Filter
5crawl-66-249-69-93 .googlebot .com»7 (0.77%)Filter
6crawl-66-249-69-109 .googlebot .com»7 (0.77%)Filter
789 .120 .233 .28»6 (0.66%)Filter
8b5d5229a .virtua .com .br»6 (0.66%)Filter
9msnbot-40-77-167-38 .search .msn .com»5 (0.55%)Filter
1062 .221 .77 .77»4 (0.44%)Filter
11crawl-66-249-69-101 .googlebot .com»4 (0.44%)Filter
12ip-89-177-161-59 .net .upcbroadband .cz»4 (0.44%)Filter
13msnbot-207-46-13-113 .search .msn .com»4 (0.44%)Filter
14203 .133 .170 .94»4 (0.44%)Filter
15crawl-66-249-64-230 .googlebot .com»3 (0.33%)Filter
1695 .153 .69 .44»3 (0.33%)Filter
1731 .31 .19 .133, 127 .0 .0 .1»3 (0.33%)Filter
18213 .192 .12 .33, 213 .192 .12 .33»3 (0.33%)Filter
1962 .221 .107 .113»3 (0.33%)Filter
20server .2share .tv»2 (0.22%)Filter
21208 .115 .113 .86»2 (0.22%)Filter
2262 .149 .145 .202»2 (0.22%)Filter
23w-06 .th .seeweb .it»2 (0.22%)Filter
24unknown»2 (0.22%)Filter
25static .vdc .vn»2 (0.22%)Filter
2662 .221 .65 .216»2 (0.22%)Filter
27208 .115 .113 .94»2 (0.22%)Filter
28128 .38 .broadband17 .iol .cz»2 (0.22%)Filter
292a03:2880:2030:6ffa:face:b00c:0:8000»1 (0.11%)Filter
30128 .199 .61 .133»1 (0.11%)Filter
31ju058 .jupiter .fastwebserver .de»1 (0.11%)Filter
32spider-5-255-253-11 .yandex .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
33msnbot-40-77-167-36 .search .msn .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
34msnbot-157-55-39-252 .search .msn .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
35static .227 .10 .9 .176 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.11%)Filter
36hn .kd .ny .adsl»1 (0.11%)Filter
37baiduspider-180-76-15-161 .crawl .baidu .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
3831 .31 .19 .133»1 (0.11%)Filter
39crawl-66-249-64-235 .googlebot .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
40mail .commpart .org»1 (0.11%)Filter
41fetcher2-1 .p .mail .ru»1 (0.11%)Filter
4284 .ip-51-255-36 .eu»1 (0.11%)Filter
43109 .80 .38 .128, 109 .80 .38 .128»1 (0.11%)Filter
44crawl-66-249-64-240 .googlebot .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
4541 .66 .137 .167»1 (0.11%)Filter
462a01:4f8:211:550::2»1 (0.11%)Filter
4731 .184 .238 .161»1 (0.11%)Filter
48spider-93-158-152-59 .yandex .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
49msnbot-207-46-13-160 .search .msn .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
50static .87 .5 .243 .136 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.11%)Filter
51189 .8 .195 .2»1 (0.11%)Filter
5262 .221 .77 .77, 62 .221 .77 .77, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (0.11%)Filter
5317-142-156-204 .applebot .apple .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
54gis .osteraker .se»1 (0.11%)Filter
55msnbot-157-55-39-135 .search .msn .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
56186-243-71-198 .user3g .veloxzone .com .br»1 (0.11%)Filter
5785 .136 .70 .234 .dyn .user .ono .com»1 (0.11%)Filter
5846 .246 .235 .3 .dsl .dyn .forthnet .gr»1 (0.11%)Filter
5995 .153 .69 .173»1 (0.11%)Filter
60194 .150 .168 .79»1 (0.11%)Filter
6193-32-245-109 .ip36 .fastwebnet .it»1 (0.11%)Filter
62adsl-ull-130-255 .48-151 .wind .it»1 (0.11%)Filter
63mj7 .naefmarco .ch»1 (0.11%)Filter
6462 .221 .65 .216, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (0.11%)Filter
65210 .245 .25 .228»1 (0.11%)Filter
66136 .243 .103 .157 .mj12bot .crawler .software»1 (0.11%)Filter
67201-3-78-249 .dsl .ctaje701 .brasiltelecom .net .br»1 (0.11%)Filter
6864-89-1-209 .static .wntpr .net»1 (0.11%)Filter
69cz .tor-exit .neelc .org»1 (0.11%)Filter
70107 .151 .152 .210»1 (0.11%)Filter
7191 .253 .95 .23»1 (0.11%)Filter
7293 .56 .175 .4»1 (0.11%)Filter
73190 .75-35-89 .dyn .dsl .cantv .net»1 (0.11%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.035820960998535 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.