PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 01 Mar 21.
Time since start of Epoch: 1396.40 days; 0.44 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 38 visitor(s)
    which is 16.34 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
15 .188 .48 .138»560 (90.18%)Filter
2crawl-66-249-66-37 .googlebot .com»8 (1.29%)Filter
3crawl-66-249-66-62 .googlebot .com»7 (1.13%)Filter
4crawl-54-236-1-13 .pinterest .com»7 (1.13%)Filter
593 .56 .168 .75»4 (0.64%)Filter
6mad29 .tiss .xyz»2 (0.32%)Filter
7crawl-54-236-1-11 .pinterest .com»2 (0.32%)Filter
8static .108 .63 .46 .78 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.16%)Filter
913 .117 .66 .34 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
102003:d9:8705:f6c3:6865:d75c:db2a:b6a7»1 (0.16%)Filter
11ip-54-36-149-10 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
12petalbot-114-119-139-167 .aspiegel .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
135-255-253-173 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
14175 .44 .42 .21»1 (0.16%)Filter
15108 .139 .231 .35 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
16catv-176-63-29-45 .catv .broadband .hu»1 (0.16%)Filter
17no .rdns .ukservers .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
18201-29-31-122 .user3p .veloxzone .com .br»1 (0.16%)Filter
19103 .112 .0 .30»1 (0.16%)Filter
20155 .55 .196 .35 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
21crawl-66-249-64-197 .googlebot .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
225-255-231-29 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
23ip-54-36-148-177 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
242003:d9:8705:f6c3:4c47:2e73:f319:5312»1 (0.16%)Filter
2594-35-31-157 .client-mvno .tiscali .it»1 (0.16%)Filter
26fetcher2-3 .go .mail .ru»1 (0.16%)Filter
2789-64-17-176 .dynamic .chello .pl»1 (0.16%)Filter
28193 .58 .239 .35 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
29msnbot-13-66-139-104 .search .msn .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
30mad04 .tiss .xyz»1 (0.16%)Filter
31ip-54-36-149-78 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
32fetcher-img1-3 .p .mail .ru»1 (0.16%)Filter
33ns501933 .ip-192-99-7 .net»1 (0.16%)Filter
34ip-195-154-122-106 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
3540 .77 .188 .44»1 (0.16%)Filter
36petalbot-114-119-150-45 .aspiegel .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
37crawl-66-249-66-34 .googlebot .com»1 (0.16%)Filter
3893 .56 .165 .57»1 (0.16%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.017096996307373 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.