Unique Visitors
Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 20 Oct 08.
Time since start of Epoch: 5833.46 days; 0.01 hits per day.
Total number of different visitors: 43 visitor(s)
which is 1.37 pages per visitor on average.
1 | catv-89-133-146-221 .catv .broadband .hu» | 4 (6.78%) | Filter |
2 | 83 .224 .246 .195» | 3 (5.08%) | Filter |
3 | 89-97-140-239 .ip17 .fastwebnet .it» | 3 (5.08%) | Filter |
4 | host94-118-dynamic .44-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 3 (5.08%) | Filter |
5 | 86-126-185-52 .rdsnet .ro» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
6 | crawl-66-249-65-194 .googlebot .com» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
7 | host109-13-dynamic .24-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
8 | cm218-253-226-61 .hkcable .com .hk» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
9 | aub78-1-82-234-22-103 .fbx .proxad .net» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
10 | 89-96-28-5 .ip10 .fastwebnet .it» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
11 | host69-151-dynamic .9-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 2 (3.39%) | Filter |
12 | 61 .247 .221 .45» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
13 | 172 .16 .2 .180» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
14 | S01060016b62c8725 .ok .shawcable .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
15 | 94 .163 .168 .66» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
16 | llf320032 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
17 | 89-97-207-100 .ip19 .fastwebnet .it» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
18 | host-114 .tunnplat .ssab .se» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
19 | host195-135-dynamic .15-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
20 | bbnwebdproxy2 .europe .hp .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
21 | llf520055 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
22 | llf520018 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
23 | 82 .102 .11 .148» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
24 | 212-127-141-2 .cable .quicknet .nl» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
25 | 217 .201 .8 .78» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
26 | cm222-166-160-53 .hkcable .com .hk» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
27 | cm222-166-160-7 .hkcable .com .hk» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
28 | cm222-166-160-14 .hkcable .com .hk» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
29 | cm222-166-160-209 .hkcable .com .hk» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
30 | APoitiers-156-1-134-38 .w83-203 .abo .wanadoo .fr» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
31 | llf520189 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
32 | 38 .100 .8 .50» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
33 | llf520024 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
34 | cm222-166-160-18 .hkcable .com .hk» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
35 | host124-201-dynamic .5-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
36 | li7-251 .members .linode .com» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
37 | 132 .115 .in-addr .arpa» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
38 | walrus013 .yandex .ru» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
39 | ip68-8-230-62 .sd .sd .cox .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
40 | 81-208-31-218 .ip .fastwebnet .it» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
41 | 89-212-187-149 .dynamic .dsl .t-2 .net» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
42 | 116 .16ec54 .tvnetwork .hu» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
43 | host98-38-static .54-88-b .business .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (1.69%) | Filter |
PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.099896907806396 second(s) to complete.