PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 13 Jun 09.
Time since start of Epoch: 5729.70 days; 0.02 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 42 visitor(s)
    which is 2.79 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
1salvador .mems .uwindsor .ca»30 (25.64%)Filter
2crawl-66-249-72-204 .googlebot .com»12 (10.26%)Filter
3121 .6 .108 .65, 10 .168 .83 .18»12 (10.26%)Filter
4host-80 .76 .89 .65 .xdsl .sonic .it»10 (8.55%)Filter
578 .97 .55 .203»7 (5.98%)Filter
647 .96 .broadband7 .iol .cz»4 (3.42%)Filter
7msnbot-65-55-105-87 .search .msn .com»2 (1.71%)Filter
8llf531391 .crawl .yahoo .net»2 (1.71%)Filter
910 .32 .193 .90»2 (1.71%)Filter
10ip-75-142 .sn1 .eutelia .it»2 (1.71%)Filter
1193-63-212-32 .ip29 .fastwebnet .it»2 (1.71%)Filter
12unknown»2 (1.71%)Filter
13chello087207252034 .chello .pl»1 (0.85%)Filter
14puyo .hd .free .fr»1 (0.85%)Filter
1568 .33 .47 .133»1 (0.85%)Filter
16msnbot-65-55-105-83 .search .msn .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
17host88-101-dynamic .54-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.85%)Filter
18web .nthost .ru»1 (0.85%)Filter
19host-84-222-201-26 .cust-adsl .tiscali .it»1 (0.85%)Filter
20ppp121-44-204-149 .lns10 .mel4 .internode .on .net»1 (0.85%)Filter
21CPE001c10415a02-CM001ade8427ca .cpe .net .cable .rogers .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
22d75-156-55-98 .bchsia .telus .net»1 (0.85%)Filter
23ip34 .swiftrocketworld .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
24226 .102 .95 .80 .static .b26 .cz»1 (0.85%)Filter
25208 .99 .208 .40»1 (0.85%)Filter
26wg-zl-mone .inext .cz»1 (0.85%)Filter
27crawl6 .dotnetdotcom .org»1 (0.85%)Filter
2893-36-135-103 .ip60 .fastwebnet .it»1 (0.85%)Filter
29ttxa113 .ttx-net .sk»1 (0.85%)Filter
30msnbot-65-55-109-221 .search .msn .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
31cpe-24-174-115-83 .austin .res .rr .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
32a40-ost1-1-233 .static .adsl .vol .cz»1 (0.85%)Filter
33msnbot-65-55-105-94 .search .msn .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
34dslb-084-060-203-253 .pools .arcor-ip .net»1 (0.85%)Filter
35ec2-174-129-169-99 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
36crawl-61-247-222-44 .naver .jp»1 (0.85%)Filter
3710 .2 .21 .89»1 (0.85%)Filter
38msnbot-65-55-106-217 .search .msn .com»1 (0.85%)Filter
3987 .209 .188 .92»1 (0.85%)Filter
40i577B7836 .versanet .de»1 (0.85%)Filter
41net-93-149-253-114 .t2 .dsl .vodafone .it»1 (0.85%)Filter
4210 .2 .21 .99»1 (0.85%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.001600980758667 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.