Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 13 Oct 09.
Time since start of Epoch: 5445.20 days; 0.03 hits per day.
1 | ppp-27-162 .20-151 .libero .it» | 75 (40.11%) | Filter |
2 | balticom-159-113 .balticom .lv» | 32 (17.11%) | Filter |
3 | 57 .78 .11 .41» | 17 (9.09%) | Filter |
4 | 172 .16 .91 .3» | 3 (1.60%) | Filter |
5 | ppp-144-20 .20-151 .libero .it» | 3 (1.60%) | Filter |
6 | 10 .100 .3 .163» | 3 (1.60%) | Filter |
7 | crawl-66-249-65-100 .googlebot .com» | 3 (1.60%) | Filter |
8 | llf531073 .crawl .yahoo .net» | 3 (1.60%) | Filter |
9 | host130-79-dynamic .56-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 3 (1.60%) | Filter |
10 | 53573209 .cable .casema .nl» | 2 (1.07%) | Filter |
11 | e180037090 .adsl .alicedsl .de» | 2 (1.07%) | Filter |
12 | host-153-209 .consiagnet .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
13 | msnbot-65-55-106-206 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
14 | 200-101-88-46 .bsace702 .dsl .brasiltelecom .net .br» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
15 | hh-va10-wpw001 .na .baesystems .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
16 | 83 .222 .broadband12 .iol .cz» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
17 | 84-217-121-152 .tn .glocalnet .net» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
18 | 81 .210 .61 .10» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
19 | 92 .80 .62 .170» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
20 | 93-32-177-249 .ip34 .fastwebnet .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
21 | 65 .55 .107 .204» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
22 | msnbot-65-55-105-95 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
23 | 41 .Red-79-152-149 .dynamicIP .rima-tde .net» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
24 | msnbot-65-55-106-138 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
25 | host186-145-dynamic .45-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
26 | 66-240-25-13 .isp .comcastbusiness .net» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
27 | 213-138-242-227 .cpe .netmadeira .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
28 | msnbot-65-55-207-134 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
29 | cpc3-watf8-0-0-cust287 .watf .cable .ntl .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
30 | mail .vna-ic .org» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
31 | msnbot-65-55-105-83 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
32 | mail .uti-gemmo .ro» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
33 | 10 .0 .100 .23, 10 .0 .100 .23, 127 .0 .0 .1» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
34 | msnbot-65-55-207-135 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
35 | 78-32-80-33 .static .enta .net» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
36 | msnbot-65-55-207-27 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
37 | 10 .104 .231 .52, 10 .104 .231 .52, unknown» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
38 | f048074088 .adsl .alicedsl .de» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
39 | msnbot-65-55-106-160 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
40 | intfw1 .sisal .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
41 | host217-114-158-4 .pppoe .mark-itt .net» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
42 | host159-208-dynamic .9-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
43 | host102-115-dynamic .16-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
44 | 88-149-226-11 .dynamic .ngi .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
45 | 91-115-91-33 .adsl .highway .telekom .at» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
46 | xdsl-87-78-70-150 .netcologne .de» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
47 | msnbot-65-55-207-25 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
48 | crawl6 .dotnetdotcom .org» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
49 | msnbot-65-55-207-75 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
50 | host179-70-dynamic .52-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
51 | baiduspider-220-181-7-17 .crawl .baidu .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
52 | msnbot-65-55-207-29 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.53%) | Filter |
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