PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 29 Apr 10.
Time since start of Epoch: 5331.70 days; 0.01 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 36 visitor(s)
    which is 1.36 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
112 .167 .100 .194»8 (16.33%)Filter
2sticker00 .yandex .ru»4 (8.16%)Filter
3b3091190 .crawl .yahoo .net»3 (6.12%)Filter
4plane03 .yandex .ru»2 (4.08%)Filter
5208 .49 .29 .126»1 (2.04%)Filter
6msnbot-207-46-204-233 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
7msnbot-207-46-194-148 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
8sticker01 .yandex .ru»1 (2.04%)Filter
9host188-50-dynamic .50-82-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (2.04%)Filter
10msnbot-207-46-195-232 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
11spider54 .yandex .ru»1 (2.04%)Filter
12ec2-184-73-53-191 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
13msnbot-207-46-13-47 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
14217-170-98-139 .internetbox .cz»1 (2.04%)Filter
15vil69-4-82-230-146-52 .fbx .proxad .net»1 (2.04%)Filter
16ool-4573f17b .dyn .optonline .net»1 (2.04%)Filter
17msnbot-207-46-195-240 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
18madan .klfree .cz»1 (2.04%)Filter
19192 .168 .56 .70»1 (2.04%)Filter
20msnbot-207-46-13-49 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
21188-165-5-56 .kimsufi .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
22141 .30 .239 .167»1 (2.04%)Filter
23msnbot-207-46-204-180 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
24ip-093157113181 .mikolow .multimetro .pl»1 (2.04%)Filter
25msnbot-207-46-13-142 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
2638 .101 .148 .126»1 (2.04%)Filter
27host50 .pool-49 .net-94-47 .e4a .it»1 (2.04%)Filter
28193 .231 .176 .5»1 (2.04%)Filter
29msnbot-207-46-204-228 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
30msnbot-207-46-13-88 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
31www .cpclugano .ch»1 (2.04%)Filter
32crawl-66-249-65-99 .googlebot .com»1 (2.04%)Filter
33i39075 .upc-i .chello .nl»1 (2.04%)Filter
34c-76-110-248-244 .hsd1 .fl .comcast .net»1 (2.04%)Filter
3588 .131 .106 .30»1 (2.04%)Filter
36msnbot-207-46-204-238 .search .msn .com»1 (2.04%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.016586065292358 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.