Unique Visitors
Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 12 Jun 12.
Time since start of Epoch: 4498.52 days; 0.04 hits per day.
Total number of different visitors: 36 visitor(s)
which is 5.50 pages per visitor on average.
1 | 94 .217-149-122 .enivest .net» | 48 (24.24%) | Filter |
2 | p4FC3E976 .dip .t-dialin .net» | 38 (19.19%) | Filter |
3 | p5B2C534C .dip .t-dialin .net» | 27 (13.64%) | Filter |
4 | kayakness-offing .volia .net» | 17 (8.59%) | Filter |
5 | p4FC3E140 .dip .t-dialin .net» | 15 (7.58%) | Filter |
6 | p5B2C5735 .dip .t-dialin .net» | 13 (6.57%) | Filter |
7 | p5B2C58AF .dip .t-dialin .net» | 5 (2.53%) | Filter |
8 | sticker00 .yandex .ru» | 3 (1.52%) | Filter |
9 | 58-12-200-109 .rackcentre .redstation .net .uk» | 2 (1.01%) | Filter |
10 | 91 .236 .74 .155» | 2 (1.01%) | Filter |
11 | 112 .101 .64 .208» | 2 (1.01%) | Filter |
12 | 92 .55 .118 .212» | 2 (1.01%) | Filter |
13 | msnbot-207-46-199-20 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
14 | msnbot-157-55-16-56 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
15 | 194 .177 .125 .50» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
16 | msnbot-65-52-108-66 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
17 | cust807 .host-stage-dns .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
18 | host77-118-static .253-95-b .business .telecomitalia .it» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
19 | net-2-32-153-177 .cust .dsl .teletu .it» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
20 | msnbot-207-46-199-240 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
21 | adsl-ull-18-213 .48-151 .net24 .it» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
22 | p4FC3EAEE .dip .t-dialin .net» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
23 | msnbot-157-56-229-145 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
24 | 173 .213 .110 .174» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
25 | 93-35-226-129 .ip57 .fastwebnet .it» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
26 | 86-120-171-132 .rdsnet .ro» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
27 | crawl-66-249-72-169 .googlebot .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
28 | 93-50-205-248 .ip154 .fastwebnet .it» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
29 | msnbot-207-46-204-191 .search .msn .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
30 | security .lightspeedsystems .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
31 | ip-78-45-75-238 .net .upcbroadband .cz» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
32 | crawl-66-249-72-144 .googlebot .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
33 | crawl-66-249-72-91 .googlebot .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
34 | net-2-32-47-34 .cust .dsl .teletu .it» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
35 | 89-78-85-249 .dynamic .chello .pl» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
36 | baiduspider-180-76-5-189 .crawl .baidu .com» | 1 (0.51%) | Filter |
PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.013289928436279 second(s) to complete.