PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 22 Dec 15.
Time since start of Epoch: 3210.34 days; 0.36 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 51 visitor(s)
    which is 22.51 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
131 .184 .238 .174»1055 (91.90%)Filter
2crawl-66-249-64-205 .googlebot .com»10 (0.87%)Filter
331 .31 .28 .52»7 (0.61%)Filter
4spider-5-255-253-11 .yandex .com»4 (0.35%)Filter
5crawl-66-249-69-93 .googlebot .com»4 (0.35%)Filter
6msnbot-157-55-39-209 .search .msn .com»4 (0.35%)Filter
795 .153 .67 .78»4 (0.35%)Filter
894 .163 .149 .32»3 (0.26%)Filter
9203 .133 .169 .163»3 (0.26%)Filter
10ip4da4291f .direct-adsl .nl»3 (0.26%)Filter
1131 .31 .17 .95»3 (0.26%)Filter
12msnbot-157-55-39-233 .search .msn .com»2 (0.17%)Filter
1331 .31 .19 .142»2 (0.17%)Filter
1493 .148 .32 .4»2 (0.17%)Filter
15boson109 .ahrefs .com»2 (0.17%)Filter
16b110323 .yse .yahoo .net»2 (0.17%)Filter
17188 .152 .247 .51»2 (0.17%)Filter
1895 .153 .66 .167»2 (0.17%)Filter
1962 .221 .67 .39»2 (0.17%)Filter
20ip-124-79-136-213 .static .contabo .net»1 (0.09%)Filter
21static .vdc .vn»1 (0.09%)Filter
22host168-30-dynamic .54-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.09%)Filter
23crawl-66-249-64-230 .googlebot .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
2431 .31 .17 .95, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (0.09%)Filter
2527 .111 .185 .228»1 (0.09%)Filter
26server-3e-r68 .ipv4 .au .syrahost .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
27net-93-148-32-4 .cust .dsl .teletu .it»1 (0.09%)Filter
2836 .73 .102 .214»1 (0.09%)Filter
29crawler-101 .crawler .istella .it»1 (0.09%)Filter
30ec2-52-23-178-179 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
31msnbot-207-46-13-136 .search .msn .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
3223-95-5-34-host .colocrossing .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
3340 .85 .100 .185»1 (0.09%)Filter
34ju058 .jupiter .fastwebserver .de»1 (0.09%)Filter
35msnbot-207-46-13-124 .search .msn .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
36190-203-108-251 .dyn .dsl .cantv .net»1 (0.09%)Filter
37183 .86 .210 .199»1 (0.09%)Filter
3861-228-35-134 .dynamic .hinet .net»1 (0.09%)Filter
3995 .153 .66 .167, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (0.09%)Filter
40202 .62 .85 .186»1 (0.09%)Filter
41msnbot-157-55-39-43 .search .msn .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
42msnbot-157-55-39-40 .search .msn .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
43host160-131-dynamic .4-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.09%)Filter
4417-142-156-204 .applebot .apple .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
45baiduspider-180-76-15-23 .crawl .baidu .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
46203 .133 .171 .77»1 (0.09%)Filter
47190-72-33-159 .dyn .dsl .cantv .net»1 (0.09%)Filter
48195 .40 .6 .43»1 (0.09%)Filter
49host223-244-dynamic .11-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.09%)Filter
50msnbot-207-46-13-91 .search .msn .com»1 (0.09%)Filter
51msnbot-40-77-167-9 .search .msn .com»1 (0.09%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.036346912384033 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.