PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 27 Oct 17.
Time since start of Epoch: 2605.21 days; 0.26 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 46 visitor(s)
    which is 14.80 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
1146 .185 .223 .105»587 (86.20%)Filter
262 .221 .70 .239»16 (2.35%)Filter
3crawl-66-249-64-86 .googlebot .com»10 (1.47%)Filter
4crawl-66-249-64-90 .googlebot .com»7 (1.03%)Filter
5crawl-66-249-64-88 .googlebot .com»5 (0.73%)Filter
631 .31 .25 .219»4 (0.59%)Filter
795-108-181-79 .spider .yandex .com»4 (0.59%)Filter
831 .31 .29 .129»3 (0.44%)Filter
9vmi145258 .contaboserver .net»3 (0.44%)Filter
10msnbot-40-77-167-131 .search .msn .com»3 (0.44%)Filter
11host47-66-46-89 .serverdedicati .aruba .it»2 (0.29%)Filter
1295-108-181-95 .spider .yandex .com»2 (0.29%)Filter
13v133-130-48-124 .a005 .g .tyo1 .static .conoha .io»2 (0.29%)Filter
1417-142-155-148 .applebot .apple .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
15b115414 .yse .yahoo .net»1 (0.15%)Filter
16lyradevelopment .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
17204 .79 .180 .21»1 (0.15%)Filter
1828-97 .198 .94 .serverdedicati .seflow .it»1 (0.15%)Filter
19216 .244 .66 .250»1 (0.15%)Filter
20185 .201 .133 .189»1 (0.15%)Filter
21baiduspider-180-76-15-150 .crawl .baidu .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
22211-20-238-33 .HINET-IP .hinet .net»1 (0.15%)Filter
2362 .18 .119 .23»1 (0.15%)Filter
245 .176 .217 .9»1 (0.15%)Filter
25tor-exit0 .fkraus .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
2662 .221 .70 .239, 127 .0 .0 .1»1 (0.15%)Filter
2752 .163 .119 .153»1 (0.15%)Filter
282604:2d80:402c:8957:f14e:f00a:10d3:116c»1 (0.15%)Filter
29137 .74 .89 .33»1 (0.15%)Filter
30213-180-203-2 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
31customer .vivid-hosting .net»1 (0.15%)Filter
32141-8-183-215 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
33adsl-ull-233-9 .48-151 .wind .it»1 (0.15%)Filter
3482 .56 .52 .49»1 (0.15%)Filter
35hydrogen095 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
36baiduspider-180-76-15-30 .crawl .baidu .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
37net-93-147-88-160 .cust .vodafonedsl .it»1 (0.15%)Filter
38msnbot-65-55-210-202 .search .msn .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
39m4090 .contaboserver .net»1 (0.15%)Filter
40178-154-171-31 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
41msnbot-199-30-24-65 .search .msn .com»1 (0.15%)Filter
42astra4239 .startdedicated .de»1 (0.15%)Filter
43host118-137-dynamic .24-79-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.15%)Filter
44adsl-ull-23-142 .40-151 .wind .it»1 (0.15%)Filter
4587 .137 .73 .15»1 (0.15%)Filter
46hydrogen145 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.15%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.016839027404785 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.