PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 11 May 18.
Time since start of Epoch: 2401.65 days; 0.55 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 43 visitor(s)
    which is 30.72 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
1146 .185 .223 .235»1219 (92.28%)Filter
262 .221 .97 .52»25 (1.89%)Filter
3mars .codestack .info»12 (0.91%)Filter
4crawl-66-249-64-86 .googlebot .com»8 (0.61%)Filter
5mj2 .naefmarco .ch»7 (0.53%)Filter
6crawl-66-249-64-88 .googlebot .com»6 (0.45%)Filter
7fetcher2-6 .p .mail .ru»3 (0.23%)Filter
893 .57 .10 .186»2 (0.15%)Filter
9wavesoftime .com»2 (0.15%)Filter
10fetcher2-3 .p .mail .ru»2 (0.15%)Filter
1195 .216 .20 .16»2 (0.15%)Filter
12mj13 .naefmarco .ch»2 (0.15%)Filter
13static .82 .10 .216 .95 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.08%)Filter
14host60-118-dynamic .9-87-r .retail .telecomitalia .it»1 (0.08%)Filter
1540 .77 .178 .9»1 (0.08%)Filter
16msnbot-207-46-13-191 .search .msn .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
17crawl-66-249-64-90 .googlebot .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
18msnbot-207-46-13-46 .search .msn .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
19fetcher2-4 .p .mail .ru»1 (0.08%)Filter
20167 .167 .0 .252»1 (0.08%)Filter
21pot40 .webmeup .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
22ppp-144-132 .20-151 .wind .it»1 (0.08%)Filter
2395-108-181-95 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
24msnbot-199-30-24-162 .search .msn .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
25tor1 .wehost .io»1 (0.08%)Filter
26msnbot-157-55-39-237 .search .msn .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
27msnbot-40-77-167-101 .search .msn .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
28165 .90 .60 .133»1 (0.08%)Filter
2969 .30 .221 .250»1 (0.08%)Filter
30host238 .btcl .net .bd»1 (0.08%)Filter
31ec2-54-80-82-9 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
32host97 .227 .103 .94 .a-n-t .ru»1 (0.08%)Filter
33crawl11 .exabot .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
34crawl4 .bl .semrush .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
35msnbot-207-46-13-67 .search .msn .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
36153-149-168-38 .compute .jp-e1 .cloudn-service .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
374 .static12 .aondeacha .com .br»1 (0.08%)Filter
382a03:2880:2130:9ff4:face:b00c:0:1»1 (0.08%)Filter
39static .21 .108 .76 .144 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.08%)Filter
4081 .101 .225 .35 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.08%)Filter
41220 .181 .132 .193»1 (0.08%)Filter
42fulltextrobot-77-75-78-165 .seznam .cz»1 (0.08%)Filter
43196 .97 .197 .104 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.08%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.12547492980957 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.