PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 04 Feb 20.
Time since start of Epoch: 1766.02 days; 0.42 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 51 visitor(s)
    which is 14.61 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
15 .188 .84 .222»676 (90.74%)Filter
2crawl-66-249-79-63 .googlebot .com»5 (0.67%)Filter
3crawl-66-249-79-32 .googlebot .com»5 (0.67%)Filter
495-108-181-79 .spider .yandex .com»4 (0.54%)Filter
5crawl-66-249-79-60 .googlebot .com»3 (0.40%)Filter
695-108-181-95 .spider .yandex .com»3 (0.40%)Filter
787-250-224-96 .spider .yandex .com»2 (0.27%)Filter
8fwdproxy-ftw-019 .fbsv .net»2 (0.27%)Filter
9ec2-54-224-230-57 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»2 (0.27%)Filter
10p5DE7737D .dip0 .t-ipconnect .de»2 (0.27%)Filter
11crawl15 .bl .semrush .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
122001:b400:e25c:c369:7c42:1cd8:b1b3:bc85»1 (0.13%)Filter
13ec2-52-87-190-94 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
14fwdproxy-ash-001 .fbsv .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
15ns509537 .ip-192-99-4 .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
16ns503472 .ip-192-99-160 .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
1713 .92 .226 .173»1 (0.13%)Filter
18instance-cyberbot-exec-iabot-01 .cyberbot .wmflabs .org»1 (0.13%)Filter
19crawl-66-249-64-168 .googlebot .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
20fulltextrobot-77-75-78-172 .seznam .cz»1 (0.13%)Filter
21ip-89-234-68-71 .broadband .digiweb .ie»1 (0.13%)Filter
22173 .252 .87 .19»1 (0.13%)Filter
23173 .252 .127 .37»1 (0.13%)Filter
24137 .74 .89 .33»1 (0.13%)Filter
25fwdproxy-prn-010 .fbsv .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
26ec2-3-88-36-201 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
27crawl-66-249-64-170 .googlebot .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
28fwdproxy-ftw-022 .fbsv .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
29fwdproxy-ftw-016 .fbsv .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
30ip-54-36-150-92 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
31ec2-34-207-138-168 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
32fulltextrobot-77-75-78-171 .seznam .cz»1 (0.13%)Filter
33141-8-142-125 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
34178-154-171-31 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
35141-8-142-214 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
3682 .145 .41 .160»1 (0.13%)Filter
37fwdproxy-atn-037 .fbsv .net»1 (0.13%)Filter
38106 .111 .5 .55»1 (0.13%)Filter
39ip-54-36-148-217 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
40static .102 .77 .9 .5 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.13%)Filter
41static .154 .13 .63 .178 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.13%)Filter
4295-108-181-98 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
43172 .58 .37 .80»1 (0.13%)Filter
44ec2-18-212-42-148 .compute-1 .amazonaws .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
45123 .126 .68 .123»1 (0.13%)Filter
46151 .235 .171 .243»1 (0.13%)Filter
4793-158-166-9 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
4817-58-96-202 .applebot .apple .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
49144 .172 .107 .95»1 (0.13%)Filter
50141-8-188-25 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
51crawl31 .bl .semrush .com»1 (0.13%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.019468069076538 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.