PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch that started on 19 Dec 20.
Time since start of Epoch: 1446.28 days; 0.55 hits per day.

Total number of different visitors: 38 visitor(s)
    which is 20.84 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
15 .188 .48 .6»732 (92.42%)Filter
2crawl-66-249-66-62 .googlebot .com»8 (1.01%)Filter
3193 .58 .239 .35 .bc .googleusercontent .com»6 (0.76%)Filter
4ip-54-36-148-111 .a .ahrefs .com»5 (0.63%)Filter
593-34-128-110 .ip49 .fastwebnet .it»4 (0.51%)Filter
6msnbot-13-66-139-33 .search .msn .com»3 (0.38%)Filter
7host-82-50-13-6 .retail .telecomitalia .it»2 (0.25%)Filter
8crawl-66-249-66-34 .googlebot .com»2 (0.25%)Filter
9ip-54-36-149-49 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
10fetcher2-3 .go .mail .ru»1 (0.13%)Filter
11fulltextrobot-77-75-77-95 .seznam .cz»1 (0.13%)Filter
12fetcher2-4 .go .mail .ru»1 (0.13%)Filter
13fulltextrobot-77-75-76-163 .seznam .cz»1 (0.13%)Filter
1410 .179 .80 .66»1 (0.13%)Filter
1518 .210 .90 .185»1 (0.13%)Filter
16cache .google .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
1793-35-241-130 .ip57 .fastwebnet .it»1 (0.13%)Filter
18crawl8 .bl .semrush .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
19175 .44 .42 .202»1 (0.13%)Filter
205-255-231-157 .spider .yandex .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
21crawl-pm06ty .mj12bot .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
2256 .43 .67 .34 .bc .googleusercontent .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
23ip-54-36-148-183 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
245 .168 .197 .14»1 (0.13%)Filter
25crawl-66-249-64-200 .googlebot .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
26ip-54-36-149-8 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
27ip-54-36-149-89 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
2893 .56 .160 .120»1 (0.13%)Filter
29net-37-117-147-24 .cust .vodafonedsl .it»1 (0.13%)Filter
30crawl-66-249-64-198 .googlebot .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
3110 .179 .80 .201»1 (0.13%)Filter
3210 .179 .4 .66»1 (0.13%)Filter
33crawl-66-249-66-37 .googlebot .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
34107-175-58-92-host .colocrossing .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
3510 .179 .80 .166»1 (0.13%)Filter
36ip-54-36-148-239 .a .ahrefs .com»1 (0.13%)Filter
37213 .136 .71 .25»1 (0.13%)Filter
38104 .129 .255 .71»1 (0.13%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.034572124481201 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.3 ©2005 Pierre Far.