How to build a simple but cool IR (Infra Red) receiver.


WinLirc is the port to windows of the Lirc software. It consist in the low-level software only, then you will have to get WinLirc-enabled applications to use it.
[-] Let's download and install the software. Once you start the main executable, you're asked if you want to proceed with the configuration. Answer "OK" of course. You will get this window:

Setup window of WinLirc

The configuration for the device you have found in this site is very simple: only select the right COM port and you're done.
[-] To perform a basic test of the hardware just press the "Raw codes" button. You will get a window that shows some codes when you press a button on your remote. Try some buttons, if you get a lot of scrolling numbers, your receiver is working!

WinLirc rawdata window

[-] We have then to "learn" all the buttons from your remote. Hit the "Learn" button from the WinLirc configuration window and follow the instructions: you will be asked the name of the remote, few optional parameters (you can safely press "enter" to accept the default values) and to press all the remote buttons giving a name to each one.

WinLirc learning phase

[-] [Analyze]
[-] [Main window]As this device can't *transmit* any IR signal, you can simply press the "Hide Window" button and start to use WinLirc.
[-] [Programs]The low-level software has been configured. Now go to the WinLirc website ("Software which supports WinLIRC" section) and grab some applications. You will find multimedia tools but also utilities to run programs whenever you press a button on the remote; you will also find other software that we are going to discuss in this website, that will allow you to generate complex events to control your computer even if the application doesn't know anything about remote controls an IR pulses.