Webcam Cornizzolo

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Punto di ripresa: Cornizzolo, rifugio SEC "Marisa Consigliere"

Archivio immagini (Image archive)
Scarica i video (download videos): cornizzolo01.avi - cornizzolo-0605.avi - cornizzolo-0607.avi
PS Per vedere i video e' indispensabile usare il VLC (utenti inesperti) o l'MPlayer (utenti avanzati).
PS To watch the videos you need VLC (newbies) or MPlayer (advanced users).

NEW! NEW! NEW! Video "online" formato "flash". Clicca sull'immagine seguente:

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Copyright 2007, Alessio Sangalli
The picture above is automatically taken and uploaded to the Internet by the following devices:

The system consists in a Canon A70 digital camera and an Asus WL-500g Premium wireless router. Many thanks to #gphoto and #openwrt, and in particular to _Marcus_.